
Research status and prospect of basic application of islet organoid

  • 摘要: 类器官指利用干细胞的全能性,将其在体外进行培养,使其不断进行自我更新和自我组织,形成结构和功能与原始器官相似的组织。类器官具有与原始组织保持相似外观和功能的特点,已广泛应用于基础研究及临床研究。目前已经成功培养出肝、肾、胰、脑、肠等类器官,其中使用胰岛类器官是类器官领域研究的热点,但由于还未完全解决移植术后排斥反应等问题,目前胰岛类器官仅用于基础研究。本文对胰岛类器官的起源与发展、胰岛类器官的基础应用进行综述,旨在为胰岛类器官实现基础应用向临床应用转化及糖尿病的治疗提供参考。


    Abstract: Organoids are tissue structures, generated from pluripotent stem cells and cultured in vitro, which form self-organize and recapitulate tissues with similar structure and function to the original organs. Organoids have similar appearance and function to the original tissues, and have been widely applied in basic research and clinical trial. At present, the organoids of liver, kidney, islet, brain, intestine and other organs have been successfully cultivated. The use of islet organoid is a hotspot in the field of organoid research. However, islet organoid is currently applied in basic research because rejection after organ transplantation and other issues remain unresolved. In this article, the origin, development and basic application of islet organoid were reviewed, aiming to provide reference for the transformation from basic research of islet organoid into clinical application as well as the treatment of diabetes mellitus.


