
Progress on electron microscopy diagnosis on Banff classification for renal allograft pathology

  • 摘要: 随着临床器官移植的发展,移植病理学也在不断发展和提高。其中,Banff移植病理学会议的召开及Banff移植病理学诊断标准(Banff标准)的建立是国际移植病理学发展的重要里程碑。自此之后,各类移植器官病理学诊断的Banff标准得以不断更新和完善。电子显微镜(电镜)的超微病理学观察在移植肾早期抗体介导的排斥反应、移植肾复发性疾病和新发性疾病的早期诊断中具有不可替代的作用,早期发现和早期合理治疗有助于保障移植肾的长期存活,减少移植肾失功。本文介绍了电子显微镜及其超微病理诊断的基本定义、Banff移植肾病理中有关电镜诊断标准的研究历程及主要进展,总结了在移植肾活检电镜诊断中的典型病变、标准术语及诊断标准,旨在为临床器官移植及基础器官移植研究提供参考。


    Abstract: With the development of organ transplantation in clinical practice, allograft pathology has been constantly developing and advancing. The convening of Banff conference on allograft pathology and the establishment of Banff classification on allograft pathology (Banff classification) are pivotal milestones in the development of international allograft pathology. Since then, Banff classification on pathological diagnosis of various transplant organs have been continually updated and improved. Ultrastructural pathological observation by electron microscope plays an irreplaceable role in the early diagnosis of antibody-mediated rejection, recurrent disease and de novo disease of renal allograft. Early detection and rational treatment help to maintain the long-term survival of renal allograft and reduce the failure of renal allograft. In this article, the basic definition of electron microscope and the ultrastructural pathological diagnosis, the research history and main progress on electron microscope diagnosis on Banff classification for renal allograft pathology were introduced, and typical pathological changes, specific terminology and diagnostic criteria of electron microscope diagnosis on renal allograft biopsy were summarized, aiming to provide reference for clinical and basic research of organ transplantation.


