
Guidelines for functional maintenance, evaluation and application of donor kidneys from deceased children in China

  • 摘要: 儿童遗体器官捐献是遗体器官捐献中重要的组成部分,其与成人器官捐献存在较大差异。为规范我国儿童遗体器官捐献肾脏的功能维护、评估和应用,中华医学会器官移植学分会发起制订《中国儿童遗体器官捐献肾脏的功能维护、评估和应用指南》,指南采用2009版牛津大学循证医学中心的证据分级与推荐强度标准制订,针对儿童遗体器官捐献肾脏有关的功能维护、评估及应用方面的29个临床问题,给出了33条推荐意见,旨在规范操作流程,为临床工作提供指引,全面提升我国器官捐献与移植质量。


    Abstract: Organ donation from deceased children is an important part of deceased organ donation, which significantly differs from adult organ donation. To standardize functional maintenance, evaluation and application of donor kidneys from deceased children, Branch of Organ Transplantation of Chinese Medical Association initiated the formulation of "Guidelines for Functional Maintenance, Evaluation and Application of Donor Kidneys from Deceased Children in China" based on the levels of evidence and strengthens of recommendation of Oxford Center for Evidence-based Medicine of 2009. Regarding 29 clinical problems related to functional maintenance, evaluation and application of donor kidneys from deceased children, 33 recommendations were given in this guideline, aiming to standardize the operation process, provide guidance for clinical work and comprehensively enhance the quality of organ donation and transplantation.


