
Interpretation of Guide to the Quality and Safety of Organs for Transplantation(6th edition): risk of malignant tumor transmission

  • 摘要: 随着我国进入公民逝世后器官捐献时代,伴随潜在恶性肿瘤病史供者的器官捐献案例逐渐增多。欧盟编写的《移植器官质量与安全指南(第6版)》(《指南》)已于2019年出版中文译本。本文对《指南》第9章恶性肿瘤传播的风险进行了解读,以协助我国器官捐献协调员和移植团队筛查存在恶性肿瘤传播风险的供者,以减少供者来源性肿瘤疾病传播的风险。


    Abstract: As China enters the era of organ donation after the citizen's death, the organ donation cases with potential malignant tumor history increase gradually. Guide to the Quality and Safety of Organs for Transplantation (6th Edition) by European Committee was translated into Chinese in 2019. This article interprets Chapter 9 of the guideline "Risk of Malignant Tumor Transmission" to assist organ donation coordinator and transplant team in screening donors at risk of malignant tumor transmission in our country and to reduce the risk of donor-derived tumor transmission.


