
Diagnosis and treatment strategies of respiratory viral infection in transplant recipients

  • 摘要: 病毒感染始终是人类健康面临的重要挑战。实体器官移植和异基因造血干细胞移植受者因接受免疫抑制治疗,免疫功能较弱,属于病毒感染的高危人群。与普通人群感染不同,移植受者呼吸道病毒感染后容易出现肺炎甚至重症肺炎,需要临床医师高度关注。因此,本文针对该类人群病毒感染的临床特点及特殊性管理,就移植受者常见呼吸道病毒感染的流行特点、感染后早期诊断及干预、重症预警、药物治疗策略等方面进行综述,供临床同行借鉴及参考。


    Abstract: Viral infection has always been a significant challenge to human health. Transplant recipients, including those who have undergone solid organ transplantation and allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, are at high risk of viral infection due to their weak immune function under immunosuppressive therapy. Unlike the general population, transplant recipients are prone to pneumonia and even severe pneumonia after respiratory viral infection, which requires close attention from clinicians. Therefore, this article reviews the clinical characteristics and special management of viral infection in this population, focusing on the epidemiological features of common respiratory viral infection in transplant recipients, early diagnosis and intervention after infection, severe warning signs and drug treatment strategies, for the reference of clinical colleagues.


