
  • 摘要: 肾脏移植围手术期并发症发生率较高,做好肾脏移植围手术期管理是肾脏移植受者早期康复、移植肾功能顺利恢复的关键因素之一,也成为肾脏移植团队新的挑战。为了进一步规范肾脏移植围手术期的技术操作,提高肾脏移植围手术期的临床诊治水平,中华医学会器官移植学分会和中国医师协会器官移植医师分会组织了国内临床移植、护理、流行病学等相关领域专家,采用2009版牛津大学证据分级与推荐意见强度分级标准,针对肾脏移植围手术期领域相关的护理与监测、容量评估、营养与补液、水电解质酸碱平衡等方面的22个临床问题,给出了较为详细的循证推荐,旨在通过循证指导临床实践,提高我国肾脏移植围手术期的临床预后。


    Abstract: The incidence of perioperative complications in kidney transplantation is relatively high. Perioperative management of kidney transplantation is one of the key factors for the early recovery of kidney transplant recipients and the successful recovery of renal function, and it also becomes a new challenge for the kidney transplant team. In order to further standardize the perioperative technical operation of kidney transplantation and improve the clinical diagnosis and treatment level of kidney transplantation during the perioperative period, the Branch of Organ Transplantation of Chinese Medical Association and Branch of Organ Transplantation Physician of Chinese Medical Doctor Association organized domestic experts in clinical transplantation, nursing, epidemiology and other related fields to adopt the 2009 edition of Oxford University evidence grading and recommendation strength grading standards. This paper provides detailed evidence-based recommendations on 22 clinical issues related to perioperative renal transplantation in terms of nursing and monitoring, volume assessment, nutrition and fluid rehydration, water-electrolyte acid-base balance and so on, aiming to improve the clinical prognosis of perioperative renal transplantation in China through evidence-based clinical practice.


