
Collection, storage and utilization of lung transplant tissue samples

  • 摘要: 肺移植经过不断的发展与完善,已成为治疗多种良性终末期肺疾病的首选手段,但肺移植领域仍面临诸多挑战,包括供者资源短缺、供肺保存与维护以及术后并发症等。肺移植术后切除的肺组织样本是研究良性终末期肺疾病及肺移植围手术期并发症的优良临床资源。然而,目前大多数肺移植术后组织样本的采集、储存与利用仅限于单次研究,尚未形成统一的技术规范。本研究基于西安交通大学第一附属医院肺移植生物样本库的建设方案,对肺移植组织样本采集、储存与利用过程中伦理审查、人员配置、采集流程、储存方法、质量控制及高效利用等方面的实践经验进行综述,以期为肺移植相关研究提供参考。


    Abstract: After continuous development and improvement, lung transplantation has become the preferred means to treat a variety of benign end-stage lung diseases. However, the field of lung transplantation still faces many challenges, including shortage of donor resources, preservation and maintenance of donor lungs, and postoperative complications. Lung tissue samples removed after lung transplantation are excellent clinical resources for the study of benign end-stage lung disease and perioperative complications of lung transplantation. However, at present, the collection, storage and utilization of tissue samples after lung transplantation are limited to a single study, and unified technical specifications have not been formed. Based on the construction plan of the biobank for lung transplantation in the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University, this study reviewed the practical experience in the collection, storage and utilization of lung transplant tissue samples in the aspects of ethical review, staffing, collection process, storage method, quality control and efficient utilization, in order to provide references for lung transplant related research.


